Friday, July 20, 2007

Patience, My Son

In my neighborhood, young (and whiny) children learned a little diddy that went something like:

"Have patience, have patience
don't be in such a hurry.
When you get impatient
You only start to worry.

Remember, remember
that God has patience too.
Just think of all the times when others
Have to wait for you."

But 'round these parts, young ones have added a second mantra to recite:
"Jack in the box
Sit so still
Will he come up?
Yes! He will!"

It's not a song (which is disappointing for those of us who like to sing everything), but this one lets the little ones (and those of us hoping it works) actually do something.

You see, participants can squat down while chanting the first three lines, pause after the question mark, and then pop up like a jack in the box for the grand finale. The idea is to lengthen the pause after questioning Jack's return, thus teaching patience to the expectant child playing with you.

(I whisper the chant, too, calming Cal's desire to whine and my frayed nerves from prior complaints.)

Calvin was intrigued the first time we played. When mom and dad dropped to the floor, Cal followed suit in a hurry. And he waited for us to pop up each time. Now a days, not so interested. But I think the idea is sinking in. At least when he's in a thermos.


Erin said...

I learned that song in my neighbourhood too!
Calvin is such an adorable boy! We really need to get together some day so we can meet him!

Critter said...

that song has followed us on many adventures. It started when we went to Florida with Tom & Joyce and Courtney had to wait for Alex(about 18mos at the time) to get ready for the swimming pool. Tom & Joyce started to sing it to her and we have been singin it ever since to each of our children:) Some things don't change!
