Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Rash Decision

While we were in Galena, Calvin awoke with a few red spots on his abdomen that quickly multiplied.

We checked WebMD to figure out what it was and talked extensively by phone with a (terrific) nurse in the University of Iowa Hospital System. Then we took him to the only medical clinic open over Memorial Day weekend; the Galena Hospital ER.

The nurse took one look at him and ruled out chickenpox; the doctor confirmed her diagnosis. He said it was a viral infection manifesting in a rash and that there were 50 different viruses that would cause something similar. We were encouraged to treat him like he had a cold and wash our hands.

We were so glad to hold our little guy again and comfort him through an illness. The rash cleared up on its own within a few days, with no scarring or notable side effects. Still, it looks horrible, doesn't it?

Monday, May 28, 2007

Dad's Birthday

We celebrated Eric's birthday in Galena and took a trip to the local vineyard for a tour.

Calvin found more pleasure in the echo of the tasting room and the steps to the porch than he did in the content of the outing, but that's to be expected. The group took pleasure in his antics and provided space to let him run.

Of course, I wanted to take advantage of a picturesque setting to snap a picture or two of Calvin on a stationary wagon. You can see what he thought of that idea. Where did he want to be instead of sitting nicely on the front seat? Why, standing, of course, on the barrels on the back of the wagon!
He's a different child these days ... a boy on the move.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Calvin is getting used to wearing hats. He hasn't been a big fan of them up to this point, taking them off immediately.

Putting a baseball cap on backwards, though, got a little more mileage out of the endeavor. He was even willing to pose for some pictures, providing some good head shots for his career in the music industry.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Two Steps Forward?

How does one teach a child to eat with utensils? I think, perhaps, I'm not doing a very good job.

Everyone who eats with Calvin comments on his messiness. From the first, he's been comfortable with food all over his face, hair, clothes, high chair, floor ... ceiling! Mom and Dad haven't minded it much, either, though we do hope his tendencies will change with time. Even a milk mustache is unwelcome on adults in most circles.

Calvin eats with his hands and occasionally a fork, but if a spoon is required, we're in trouble. I feed him in public, but when we're by ourselves at home, it seems like a safe place to practice his technique.

Cal starts with one spoon and I have another; we alternate bites. Eventually he ends up with both spoons and food everywhere, but it's good practice.

Babies 'R' Us sells big floor mats for high chairs, and mega bibs exist for a reason. Surely Calvin isn't the messiest youngin' ever. I trust he'll find his mouth in due time. Look, he already has the spoon upright in his mouth! Until then, bring on the bleach!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Hilton Head, part IV: Grammy and Papa

A trip to the ocean is hard to pass up under any circumstances, but we worked hard to make this one possible. Why? Because this trip provided time for Grammy and Papa to spend some undivided time with their only grandson.

We are fortunate to live within a plausible driving distance from Calvin's grandparents, but the busyness of life keeps us from connecting as often as we'd like. A week together is a step in the right direction.

They played in the pool and at the beach, they explored the island by bike and toured Savannah by way of boat. Papa taught Calvin "cheers!" and observed Calvin's messy eating habits with humor and horror.

Grammy was there for all of these things too. In fact, she had Calvin all to herself while the guys golfed, but was always behind the camera -- not one picture of her from the whole week!

The week together worked; Calvin returned with "Papa" on his lips and hugs for both grandparents when he's seen them since.
For more pictures from the trip, click here:

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hilton Head, part III: At The Beach

Is there any place better than the ocean? The lapping waves, the salty smell and taste, the sand ... even the seagulls are fun for a time; the whole experience relaxes and rejuvenates.

Hilton Head provided a terrific first ocean experience for Calvin. With a room on the beach, he was close enough to enjoy the sights during breakfast on the patio. The water was calm and warm enough to explore each and every day. And the sand!
Calvin loved playing in the sand. Dad dug a hole to keep him close by (our little runner!). Calvin would sit in it, fill it up with toys, fill it in with sand, etc.
The seagulls were tracking Calvin before he was aware of them. They swooped for a dropped bagel and hovered for crumbled crackers. He would chase one and get distracted by another, stumbling around the beach.
Calvin loves the water, but I'm so glad that he loves to ocean, too.