Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hilton Head, part III: At The Beach

Is there any place better than the ocean? The lapping waves, the salty smell and taste, the sand ... even the seagulls are fun for a time; the whole experience relaxes and rejuvenates.

Hilton Head provided a terrific first ocean experience for Calvin. With a room on the beach, he was close enough to enjoy the sights during breakfast on the patio. The water was calm and warm enough to explore each and every day. And the sand!
Calvin loved playing in the sand. Dad dug a hole to keep him close by (our little runner!). Calvin would sit in it, fill it up with toys, fill it in with sand, etc.
The seagulls were tracking Calvin before he was aware of them. They swooped for a dropped bagel and hovered for crumbled crackers. He would chase one and get distracted by another, stumbling around the beach.
Calvin loves the water, but I'm so glad that he loves to ocean, too.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cherith
Thanks for updating "finally":) I missed hearing how all of you are doing. Sounds like all is going well!

Love ya

Erin said...

Looks like a great trip! Someday Calvin will have to come visit his family by the Pacific ocean!
We would have lots of fun together!

Lindahl News 2 said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all these great posts featuring the Adventures of Calvin the Great! I have missed y'all.

My most favorite picture is of Cal walking with the duck around his waist...he owns it for sure!