Saturday, June 23, 2007

TV Time

We don't spend a lot of time in front of the TV, but we do have some videos that Calvin enjoys. On these hot days, after checking the progress on the playground project, it's nice to come back inside for a snack and "a show", as Cousin Chloe says.

Calvin has a big pillow that we place at a reasonable distance from the TV; he runs for it when he wants to watch something.

In this picture he's watching a Sesame Street video aptly named, "Kids' Favorite Songs", he loves it. You can see that he's be-boppin' along with the tunes.


Critter said...

Hey Cherith
Don't let people fool you tv is OK. What fun for Cal to sing along for awhile of fun. Don't get me wrong we also have our share of outside time which basically when it's not so stinkin' hot:) Enjoy the summer!


Esther said...

SO-O-O-O precious!! Calvin's love of music is in every fiber. I hope he'll find lots of ways to enjoy making music through his whole life. What a sweet and happy expression he gets when there's good music to enjoy.