Sunday, June 24, 2007

Happy Birthday, Josh and Caleb!

Eric's cousin, Jessica, and her husband, Matt, moved from the Southeast to the Midwest in time to celebrate their twin sons' first birthday. We were glad to represent Jessica's family, along with Grammy and Papa, and Great Aunt Kathy and Great Uncle Rick, to celebrate their first year of life and usher in the next.

Calvin is five months older than these adorable boys and towers over them, at least for now; someone asked me if he was three! Josh and Caleb held their own, though, and were kind enough to share some of their (new) toys with their second cousin.


Anonymous said...

I love reading your sensitive, creative writing about your adorable boy. You are your Mom's daughter!
Eric and Jessica are 1st cousins. Caleb and Jessica are 1st cousins once removed. Caleb and the twins are 2nd cousins. Complicated, yet simple when you get the pattern.

Cherith said...

Hey Nina -- yes it is a simple pattern and even one that I know! Nevertheless, thanks for the correction. Especially because these posts are printed and scrapbooked (thanks Grammy!) I appreciate having spelling and grammatical errors, etc. corrected. Hope you're well.

Nina said...

Oh, my... So I messed up Calvin's name! ha! Well, in my brain, Caleb and Calvin are the same -- both "religious." I would have to concentrate to separate the two names, and my mind is not ready to concentrate. ha! I am glad you understood my intent.