Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day #2

Father's Day is always the first day of camp. I'm sure this is great for non-camp employees, but tough on our family. It's nice to spend the day by the lake, but it's tricky to fit a celebration in among the work that needs to be done.
This year we carved out time for the Dairy Breakfast at the county fairgrounds. We city folk love these country events. We run into our neighbors and friends from church. Politicians dish up eggs and pancakes, the "Fairest of the Fair" (fair queen) invites diners to participate in a cow-milking contest. There's a craft fair, baby farm animals and, of course, tractors -- John Deeres and Farm Alls for everyone. Naturally, we couldn't leave without getting the boys up on one of them.

Eric is an amazing father; it's fun to take a day and celebrate him.


Esther said...

Calvin, you do have a wonderful daddy! I remember how he and little Grace Caldwell enjoyed each other before you were born and we all saw glimpses of how much he would love his own child someday. Now you're here and you are his most special buddy, for sure!!

Happy Father's Day, Eric!

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day Eric how great to spend such great "Guy" Time with Cal!!
