Friday, April 20, 2007

SLC, part II: Chloe's birthday

The timing of this trip was due, in part, to Chloe-belle's second birthday. The party started before Calvin and I got there but continued throughout the weekend. There were balloons around the house, gifts opened periodically, and one terrific cake!

Jenifer used her mom's recipe for a daisy cake the size of St. Louis! Actually, it was just two 9-inch round cakes cut to perfection. It was so cute and absolutely delicious! Even Calvin, who hasn't been big on sweets, ate and ate and ate ... along with the rest of us.

At two, Chloe is a delightful little girl, able to communicate her toddler thoughts and embrace life around her. It was so fun to be there to celebrate this next step in her life.

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