Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Calvin is no longer cutesy when he goes to bed; he's all business. He does permit me to hold him while we say "night-night" to the world outside his windows and pull the shades. But when Pooh Bear beckons from the crib, Cal leans his weight forward until I have to let him go. Such a big boy. Fortunately for me, he's still cute when he wakes up.

The morning light reveals a child with renewed energy, ready for the day. But nap time is a different story. Waking from his nap, Calvin is calm, he wants to be held. He excitedly points to things hidden from his eyes during sleep, but it's too much to take in at first, and he rests his head against mine. Once again we dance cheek to cheek.

On a good day, I can hold him while he has his afternoon snack, too. But let's be honest, no matter what his energy level, every day that Calvin wakes up is a good day.


Esther said...

So TRUE! And I'm so happy for you, Cherith, that you find the treasure in so many different moments and write them into both of your hearts!! You were and are one of my great, great treasures, you know?

Erin said...

Cherith, you write so poetically! I LOVE when my not-so-little ones want to snuggle... It's definitely their timing though. Enjoy these magical moments!