Thursday, April 19, 2007

Salt Lake City, part I: Calvin and Chloe

Calvin's first trip to Utah was his mother's first trip, too. Dad still hasn't been there! But with family in Salt Lake City, we're sure to go again.

Cal and Mom joined Grandma and Grandpa at Uncle Chris and Aunt Jenifer's house for a long weekend. (Did you follow that?) And while the adults were all happy for time together, it was the cousins, Calvin and Chloe, who were overjoyed.
These two haven't seen each other face-to-face in eight months, but their greeting knew of no time apart. After her nap, Chloe came down the stairs to find Calvin waiting for her. "Give Calvin a hug" she repeated as she descended; from across the room, Calvin slithered off of my lap and toddled toward her to comply. They embraced, setting the tone for the visit. These two were inseparable.

Chloe was at Calvin's door each morning, "Calvin get up?", wandered the house calling for him, "Cousin!", fed him snacks as he signed for more, and literally steered him in the right direction by holding his shoulders and walking him forward.

Calvin adored every minute the attention, finding joy in Chloe's humor and astonishment in her wit.

The rest of us tried to carry on adult conversation but were overwhelmed by these two kids. Truly, two peas in a pod.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so great! I enjoyed my cousins growing up and even great that Calvin is doing the same at such a young age!