Monday, September 18, 2006

Table for Three

Since he was about five months old, Calvin has been eating the same foods that Eric and I do. Sweet potatoes, spinach, avocados, acorn squash, green beans, apples, rice, etc. ... just pureed instead of however the big kids eat it. I prepare these in things in bulk and freeze them, so although we eat the same food, it's not necessarily at the same meal.

As he has learned to chew (gum) things more, I've started course chopping food, and tonight we took a step even closer to dinner as a family.

Tonight's meal seemed like one that all three of us could eat. Tilapia (fish), boiled red potatoes, and broccoli. Yum! This meant that Cal tasted fish for the first time, but the other two are faithful companions, so away we went.

Somehow eating the same food at the same meal feels like a big step toward ... familyhood.


Esther said...


Marina said...

What an awesome big open mouth! And he keeps it open so patiently! Looks like feeding is a breeze for you guys!