Monday, September 11, 2006

No Turning Back

Calvin is seven months old now -- seven and a half months for the kid in you -- and while he has probably made little developments each and every day so far, he seems to be working double time at this point.

I'm not sure if it's the time he has spent watching Friend Wil or Cousin Ava cruise around the room, or whether he is just reaching a point where he's ready to move, but over the past two weeks, he has gone from sitting happily in the same spot, to slithering backwards on his stomach, to twisting and turning and rolling all over the place.

He's not crawling yet, but he's starting to rock forward onto his knees. It won't be long, now ... and then we're really in trouble!

Did I mention that he awoke with a tooth this morning?! A TOOTH! (Bottom right.) But it's rather difficult to photograph ....

1 comment:

Esther said...

FIRST TOOTH!! Yea! Congratulations, Calvin. Many happy returns...32, I believe! Hugs and kisses!!