Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A Bottle for the Baby

As I prepare to return to work, it's time to get cozy with the breast pump. Blah. We all know that I love feeding Calvin, but feeding a machine is a different story. Nevertheless, I do it for my boy.

The books give all sorts of tips for how to help a baby adapt to a bottle, but our little guy will apparently take food from wherever it's offered. We'll probably have to work hard on the "no candy from strangers" rule down the road.

Still, we started early. At six weeks of age we had a long, "But I don't want to go to sleep" day. Mom gave in first and took a nap, so Dad prepared a bottle for the evening meal. We were visiting with Grammy and Papa Anderson, so it was actually Papa who dispensed the goods. Cal sucked it down so easily, it was as though the bottle and I were one in the same.

Lesson: I could be getting more sleep if I would adapt to the breast pump as easily as Calvin adapts to everything else!


Esther said...

What a young mother does, however she decides to care for her little one, is a demanding, wonderful, fearsome, mysterious responsibility / privilege. A lot of the wear and tear is in the deciding as you go, even!

The same goes for Daddy, of course.

You're doing great!!

Marina said...

Yep, I remember the first time Daddy fed his son while Mommy pumped. Afterwards Daddy made a comment about bonding with the baby while Mommy was bonding with a machine ;)

Answering questions at work about why I am walking around with a projector is still my favorite :-)

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.