Friday, May 30, 2008

Time with Ava ... and company

A busy week at work for Mom & Dad meant some good quality time with Ava. Really, with Grammy, Papa, Uncle Ryan AND Cousin Ava, but let's be honest ... it's all about Ava.

Spending a couple of days downtown Chicago, Grammy planned and provided fun opportunities for these two, and Uncle Ryan took time off of work to enhance the experience.
They beetled around town, visited a museum and strolled through Lincoln Park Zoo.
And while they wouldn't have done any of it
without Grammy, or had nearly as much fun without Ryan, the time together served to increase the bond between these two little ones.
I mean, c'mon, they hold hands without encouragement!


Critter said...

cousins and friends now there is something special!:)

Rachel said...

Now that's just the most adorable thing I've ever seen! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face! :-)

Esther said...

How lovely for both children and the adults who get to share the love. Looks like Calvin might be sharing some of his observations of 'how things work' with an appreciative audience. Precious!!

Unknown said...

cousins are so fun! i have so many memories with mine, and am creating them even now. i'm glad calvin has that too!