Friday, January 26, 2007

First Hair Cut

It was arduous at times, but we made it a year without cutting Cal's hair.

He went from a full head to basically nothing and back to long locks in a year. We wondered whether it would bend some, taking on Papa's curl, but it looks like stick straight Caldwell hair to me.

His sideburns have continued to grow from birth, as well as the ring around his neck. For his first hair cut, we essentially cut off this original hair and trimmed up the rest.

With Eric at work (and unable to protest further) I started a video (Baby Neptune, his favorite. Thanks Nadia), sat him backwards in a chair, and took my scissors to his neck. He turned his head as I snipped and I basically buzzed the lower-right corner, but it went better from there. I cut around the back of his head first, stacking it some. For the weighty decision about his trademark sideburns, though, I waited for Eric's input.

But I was at the store when Calvin awoke from his nap a new boy and Eric was inspired to snip off the sideburns, now hanging awkwardly long. We worked together on the front.

I like the finished product. He's definitely a big boy now, but shaggy hair wouldn't have stopped that. He looks cleaner and we can see his big blue with ease.

By the way, he's watching Baby Neptune again in the "after" picture. Do you recognize the gaping awe of television? Or is that learning?


Esther said...

Nicely done, Mommy and Daddy!

Nina said...

It is called the intrigue of electronics. Wait until he learns what a remote can do!

Anonymous said...

SO cute!!