Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Winnie the Pooh

Calvin had been oblivious if not averse to stuffed animals until
he met Winnie the Pooh.

An impulse purchase from Papa Anderson, Calvin met Pooh just before Christmas and it was truly love at first sight.

Pooh is essentially a bean bag, providing a soft landing for a wobbly walker and a terrific pillow that makes bed time fun!

And unlike Jake the Cat, Pooh doesn't mind a friendly tackle from time to time.

Check back for a video of the two friends ....


Esther said...

What a special friend and Pooh is SO-O-O much softer than things like the floor and corners of furniture. No wonder Cal loves this affectionate friend with such abandon. This gift was inspired. Priceless!!

Lindahl News 2 said...

Let's hear it for Larry!! And I'm sending hugs to the rest of you there!