Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Candy Cane

Calvin has had healthy and mostly organic foods throughout his (short) life, but something about this holiday season has sent me askew.

It started with ginger cookies. Whether they're cute gingerbread men from Whole Foods or homemade ginger snaps, Calvin loves these cookies, and since ginger is so good for one's digestive system they might as well be health food.

Then, while patronizing a local store, Calvin received his first candy cane. Fully wrapped, it was a harmless chew toy. But soon enough he found his way through the wrapper and thoroughly enjoyed his first taste of unadulterated sugar. However, since peppermint is so good for one's digestive system ... well, you can see where this is going ....

Since then, Cal has happened upon pieces of said candy cane and enjoyed carrying it like a dog carries a bone as he crawls across the room. Don't worry, I'm fully aware of the dangers therein and watch the boy like a hawk.


Esther said...

Cute story! It's fun to wonder what's going through his head as he experiences each new thing, isn't it?

Esther said...

And somebody even got him in the perfect shirt to match the event - impressive!