Monday, December 18, 2006

All I Want For Christmas ....

You may know that Calvin has four teeth: two on the bottom center and two on top ... not in the center. But if that's all you know, my friend, you need an update.

I admit that I haven't paid close attention to how people "grow" teeth, but from the giddy responses to Calvin's adorable gap-tooth smile, I understand that children often find their front teeth first.

Calvin waited to introduce his with a seasonal song.

Just in time for Christmas Calvin got his wish; his two front teeth came in so in sync that they were practically holding hands.

"... Gee I really hope I get my two front teeth,
So I can wish you Merry Christmas!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Cherith even I can't figure out when the teeth are supposed to come in!! Natalie is just now getting her canine's even though they do have set "charts" every child is so unique!! So many firsts for him all at once how fun!