Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Big Fists

A Gerber Foods commercial once told me that a baby's stomach is the size of his fist. If this is true, then Calvin has deceptively large fists because the boy can eat!

Take, for example, tonight's dinner:

- One whole avocado
- One whole pear
- 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and applesauce
- 1/2 slice of bread
- One ginger cookie ...'tis the season

We have introduced him to Quinoa, a complete protein grain, that might fill him up more than water-based fruits. We mix it with apple sauce and into oatmeal, and there's a recipe for quinoa cookies that I'd like to try. Still, even with a 1/2 cup of grains, this kid still holds his own.

1 comment:

Marina said...

This gives me hope. I was wondering if we've been totally overfeeding Elijah, but apparently there are other big-fisted babies in this world!