Monday, November 06, 2006


Cal finds his way from our family room to our kitchen, which requires him to scale a step. However, it was at Grandma's house that he took interest in a full set of stairs.

When he tired on the toys and furniture in the living room, he crawled to the foyer and then to the stairs. Grandma put something (yes, that's a ONE bracelet) a few steps up to see if he would respond to the situation.

Such a quick study! He really seemed to sense that he was going up and that “down” was developing behind him. He just went into rewind instinctively to scoot back out the way he had gone.


Anonymous said...

Well Cherith i guess you know now what he will do with a full set of stairs.....get ready for home!!!


by the way I'm still following the "rules" :)

Nina said...

Wow! I have never seen a kid learn to go down at the same time that they went up. They are usually too engrossed with going up and up and up.

Esther said...

Don't you just LOVE his big laugh when he gets himself up a few steps? Later he makes little worried sounds about how to get down OK. So aware of his world!