Thursday, July 20, 2006

54 Seconds One Wednesday ....

This blog tracks most of calvin's milestone moments, so it may be easy to forget that our days are still relatively quiet.

In a blink this little guy will be buzzing around the place. But for now our joy is in subtle developments -- little coos and sighs, and a stuffed duck.

It's easy to get caught up in a fast-paced lifestyle, but it's truly the calm moments with Calvin that are magical. It takes dedication to turn off the TV or leave the dishes for later, but he's worth it -- he's too good to miss.

Wanna see? Take a deep breath and join us for 54 seconds in Calvin's world. It's beautiful here.

1 comment:

Esther said...

So beautifully said, Mommy. And I couldn't be happier that you have this awareness. Both you and little Calvin are the richer for it. Thanks for sharing the reminder and the joy today.