Saturday, August 16, 2008

Sweet Dreams

It didn't take long for Calvin to find a reason to cozy in on the top bunk. As it turns out, a faulty sippy cup propelled him upward.

When the leaking cap left his bed sopping wet just minutes into nap time we were both happy for an alternative literally steps away. Cal climbed up the ladder, settled in with Pooh, and closed his eyes.
Still, a two-hour nap is different than a twelve-hour night. He was allowed to nap up there (but sleep down below) for a week before we were confident that he would stay put.
Isn't he adorable? A sleeping child restores all gushy, lovey-dovey feelings that might have waned slightly during the three hour-long "why?" game, or the forty-five minute "but I don't want to pick up my toys" stand-off.
Sleep, child, sleep.


Amanda said...

That's so sweet. :D

Unknown said...
