Friday, April 11, 2008

I'd Rather Be Swimming

Calvin and I met Aunt Julie, Uncle Peter, Wil and Josh in Chicago for a quick overnight at Grammy and Papa's new place.

Still with me?

Actually, we christened the apartment with this visit, as the first overnight guests. After making the beds and gorging on deep dish pizza, the boys fell asleep and the adults had a quiet visit.

The next day promised a train ride to Denver, so we dressed comfortably as we left for breakfast: warm-up pants and a t-shirt. But when Calvin saw his swim suit, he wanted to wear it, too.

Now, as a rule, he's taking an interest in choosing his clothing -- and mine! And I'm generally happy oblige his leading, even if it means that we wear his "Henry" socks six days in a row. This particular get-up was a little unusual, but we were in the city and he's two, so why not.

So here you have it, kids: Calvin and his "I'd rather be swimming" outfit.

He wore it until we boarded the train mid-afternoon. While changing a diaper it just made more sense to leave it off.


Unknown said...

love it!!

Jennifer said...

someone came up to me as I was eating lunch in the Ole Miss (University of Mississippi) student Union today and surveyed me about whether or not I read blogs. So, in honor of the surveryor's exhortation (perhaps that's too strong a word?), I decided I should take up readership of yours! I cannot believe Cal's teeth...he's truly a well-developed toddler now (well, duh) and reading your elegant prose about such a special boy is a huge treat! so thanks for writing and sharing this!