Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Nine Months Old

I've known Calvin for eighteen months.

For nine of them, we had a monogamous relationship; a secret language of kicks and squirms. I've had to share him for the latter nine, though experiencing daily life with him has been well worth it.

Cal continues to be a content little guy, finding joy in simple pleasures (notice the lotion is his hand) and exploring wherever his curiosity leads.


Lindahl News 2 said...

Good morning!
With this latest picture of Calvin, I think he is looking more like his mama! He is such a cutie, no matter WHO he looks like.
It's also good to hear(and see) that he is concerned about his hand care as the weather gets cooler and drier...hand care is a must!

Esther said...

WOW – WOW – WOW!!! Look at that beautiful boy pulling himself up so easily. And how much fun is that to see him respond to music and rhythm? He’s got all the right moves. I can almost see him thinking out loud about how to get around to those toys and chuckling when he figures out how to take those steps. He’s been watching legs and feet for a long time. Way to go, Sweetie!! So much more to see and do now!
