Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Swim Lessons

Most days around here are filled with excitement of some sort -- a new chirp or squeal, a lengthy stretch for a wandering toy -- though they pale in comparison to today's adventure: swim lessons!

At the YMCA, Cal and I jumped in with three other moms and their daughters. We practiced blowing bubbles and "swimming" after floating toys.

Cal regularly plays in his bath, but I was surprised at how well he took to the pool. He actually kicked his legs and moved his arms breaststroke-style as I held his torso, and he squealed with delight as he captured his little gremlin floating about.

We have eight weeks of classes, and I expect each to be as fun as tonight was.

1 comment:

Esther said...

YEA!! Good for you both to use that lovely YMCA pool! Looks like fun and we'll have a little tadpole before long. Good job, Mom!