Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Swim Lessons

Most days around here are filled with excitement of some sort -- a new chirp or squeal, a lengthy stretch for a wandering toy -- though they pale in comparison to today's adventure: swim lessons!

At the YMCA, Cal and I jumped in with three other moms and their daughters. We practiced blowing bubbles and "swimming" after floating toys.

Cal regularly plays in his bath, but I was surprised at how well he took to the pool. He actually kicked his legs and moved his arms breaststroke-style as I held his torso, and he squealed with delight as he captured his little gremlin floating about.

We have eight weeks of classes, and I expect each to be as fun as tonight was.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Building Blocks

Calvin has discovered his calling. When he grows up he'll either be a demolition dude or King Kong.

He loves his blocks (thanks Allison) but is completely intolerant of stacks. When placed on top of each other he immediately swipes them down, making sure they're all on equal ground.

Note the "roar" captured in this photo. I have loosed the beast within ....

A Step in the Wrong Direction

During lunch today, instead of his thumb, Cal put his foot in his mouth between bites.

Think it was a statement about my cooking, or is he just showing off his newest trick?

Monday, August 14, 2006

Dancing Cheek to Cheek

Now that Calvin is upright, we play away most of our days. It's lovely. But I'm glad that bedtime still provides an opportunity to cuddle.

Just before he retires to his crib, we do a little dance. Holding him close to me, Cal sucks his left hand thumb and twirls my hair with his right hand. It's divine.

This kid has more than just my hair wrapped around his finger ....

Thursday, August 10, 2006


You can take the Andersons out of the North Side (of Chicago), but you can't take the North Side out of the Andersons.

Regardless of where we reside, we'll raise our kid right. Loyalty and team spirit, hard work and humility ... the Boys in Blue teach a kid all he needs to know.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Chloe Belle

Cherith's brother, Chris, and his family took advantage of Calvin's baptism to come for a visit. This meant that the adults could have some face time, but perhaps even more importantly that Calvin could get to know his cousin Chloe a little better.

Chloe visited Cal when he was just a month old. But now that Calvin is more alert, they can interact playfully. http://www.vsocial.com/video/?l=42817

Watching Chloe run around made Cal laugh until he almost burst. Click here if you want to hear the tail end of it: http://www.vsocial.com/video/?l=42992

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Children of the Heavenly Father

Calvin was baptized at Covenant Harbor Bible Camp, a special place for his parents.

Eric and I both attended camp here as kids, and it was here that Eric came to a faith of his own. Harbor has been a constant throughout our lives, and currently employs both of us!

So when our pastor suggested that we have our son baptized here, we jumped at the chance.

We had intended to wade into the lake with him, but rainy, unseasonable weather called for Plan B. We found shelter in the historic boat house, and gave our guy a hearty church welcome.

Calvin was joined by all of his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, as well as many good friends. It was a loving and special day.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

In the Swing of Things

Calvin has his first tree swing.

Eric hung it from a giant walnut tree out back so we can play all day if we want to.

There's nothing that says, "A Child Lives Here" like a swing in the yard. It makes me smile every time I see it.